tirsdag 18. oktober 2011

Uke 42 - Høstbilde

Ukens bilde er hentet fra Kiruna, Sverige. Ikke mye høstfarger å finne på de trakter heller dette året. Men i kratt og kjerr var det litt å finne.
Nikon D700 med 24/70mm. zoom på 28 mm. 1/125 sek bl. 14.

2 kommentarer:

  1. Hello, Rolf, good afternoon,
    I write to you here, in this old entrance, -a bit secretly- so that you can only read it.
    As you know, and it is true that i really like your photographs, i have allowed myself, and i know it would have been better to ask you permission before doing (but the surprise would be less), make a video with some of them.
    I send you the link so you can see it, and tell me, right here, for example, if you liked it or on the contrary you do not like it, although i hope and wish you would like it as much as i like your pictures. (if you do not like the video, if it is not to your liking, then i will delete it)
    Sincerely, a big and affectionate hug, Rolf, my best wishes for you and yours, and you continue with your beautiful work as a photographer¡¡¡

    With affection, :)

    montserrat m.

    link to the video with your phoptographs..



  2. Hello again,
    Good morning to you, Rolf,
    I was watching on youtube the video I made with his photographs and I found some things that I did not like, so I decided to do another one to improve it a bit and I would like it more.
    I just uploaded it to my youtube and I copied the link to you (do not go near you to see the previous one because I saved it in "private" mode so nobody can see it).
    As I commented to you the other day, I hope you like it and it is to your liking, and if for anything you do not want me to keep it there you have only to tell me and o will eliminate it, because I do not want you to be angry with me. I hope you like it a lot when you see it, you like it as much as I like your pictures, and use them to make this video.
    I wish you a good day, many affections for you, always health
    A hug from Spain, with love

    montserrat m.

    the new link...


